Registration and user account

Reservations and courier

Loan period / returns / extensions

Fees / fines / invoices

Digitisation order / interlibrary loan

Infrastructure and workstations

Research / electronic media

Registration and user account

Who can use the Zentralbibliothek Zürich?

The Zentralbibliothek Zürich is public and open to all persons and companies who have their place of residence or company headquarters in Switzerland or close to the border in neighbouring countries. Registration and many services are free of charge. Please note that SLSP libraries may only offer limited services depending on your place of residence.

Where can I get a library card? / I have lost my library card. What should I do now?

  • You can collect your library card the first time you visit an SLSP library. Please bring an official ID with you.
  • If you lose a library card, you must delete the number of the card immediately via the account management platform.  You can obtain a new library card at the Zentralbibliothek Zürich information desk.

How can I delete my user account?

Send an email requesting the deletion of your user account to

My email address is no longer active, how can I change it?

  • If you still know the password for your edu-ID account, try logging in with your former email address by appending ‘.inactive’ to the email address. So instead of, enter
  • If you are able to log in successfully, add a new email address to your edu-ID user account immediately. Ideally, the email address should be valid for the long term, i.e. not a company or school email address.
    If you no longer have the password for your edu-ID account, please contact

Where can I change my personal details?

Log into your SWITCH edu-ID account and change your personal details.

What happens to my data?

  • The personal data from your SWITCH edu-ID account is sent to swisscovery/SLSP. The personal data is used by the SLSP libraries from which the user obtains media or services.
  • Library-specific data (loans, orders, fees) is only stored in swisscovery. Transaction data is regularly anonymised, and accounts in swisscovery are deleted after 10 years of inactivity.
  • Further information on data protection can be found on the SLSP website.

Reservations and courier

How will I be notified as soon as a document is ready for me? How long do I have to collect the media?

As soon as the book has arrived at the collection location you requested, you will be notified by email. The media will be available for you to collect for seven days.

Do I have to reserve media in swisscovery or can I pick them up directly from the shelves?

Most media can be picked up directly from the shelves at the Zentralbibliothek Zürich. You can also reserve all media in advance in swisscovery.

How can I reserve media for collection from the library?

Log in to swisscovery. In the ‘Collection from library’ section, copies can be reserved for collection from the library that owns them. Click ‘Borrow’ and confirm the reservation by clicking ‘Send order’.

How can I order media in swisscovery via the SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform) courier?

Log in to swisscovery. Media can be ordered for borrowing via the courier service using the tile in the ‘Other ordering options’ section.
Select the collection location from the drop-down list to see the best available copy from the entire SLSP network. Any applicable fees and the estimated delivery time are shown. Confirm the delivery by clicking ‘Send order’.

How can I order media by post?

Log in to swisscovery. Media can be ordered to your home address using the tile in the ‘Other ordering options’ section.
Select your private or business address as the collection location and click ‘Send order’.

Can I collect and return media from other libraries from/to the Zentralbibliothek Zürich?

You can order media from all SLSP libraries that participate in the SLSP courier service and return these media to us.

Loan period / returns / extensions

How many documents can I borrow and for how long?

  • Book loan period: four weeks/DVD loan period: one week
  • You can borrow a maximum of 500 media at the same time from the libraries of the University of Zurich and the Zentralbibliothek Zürich. You can find more information here.

Can I extend the loan period online?

If the document is not reserved by another person, the system will renew it five times automatically.

Where can I see my loans in swisscovery?

You can see your loans in your swisscovery user account under ‘My loans’.
They are displayed by collection location. If something is open at a university or in a region, this is indicated by an icon (clipboard with tick) in the list.

Where can I return media to the Zentralbibliothek Zürich?

  • During opening hours, you can use the self-service machine in the reading room. Outside opening hours, there is a self-service machine on Chorgasse. This is opened with your library card.
  • You can also send us your media by post, ideally by registered mail. You are responsible for returns by post. The return date is the date of arrival at the ZB Zürich.

Fees / fines / invoices

How can I pay the fees?

All fees are paid via QR invoice, which SLSP AG sends via email after six to eight weeks.

Who do I contact if something on the invoice is wrong, or I can’t find the invoice?

If you have any questions about specific invoice items, please contact the library listed for the relevant item on the invoice. 

Please send an email to with your contact details to receive a new invoice. Before you do so, please make sure that the invoice email sent by SLSP is not in your spam folder.

I have lost or damaged a document I borrowed. What should I do?

In this case, please complete our loss report.

How much are the fines and after how many days are fines issued? What happens if I return media too late?

We charge fines for media returned too late.

28-day loans

Callback, reminder: free of charge

  • 1st fine (7th day after due date): CHF 5 per medium
  • 2nd fine (14th day after due date): CHF 5 per medium
  • 3rd fine (21st day after due date): CHF 10 per medium

7- and 14-day loans

Callback, reminder: free of charge           

  • 1st fine (3rd day after due date): CHF 5 per medium
  • 2nd fine (6th day after due date): CHF 5 per medium
  • 3rd fine (9th day after due date): CHF 10 per medium

Digitisation order / interlibrary loan

How can I place a digitisation order in swisscovery?

Log in to swisscovery. If the library owning the media offers a digitisation service, this can be seen in the ‘Collection from library’ section. A digitisation order can be placed by clicking ‘Digitisation’.
If the library owning the media does not offer a digitisation service, a digitisation order can be placed via the tile in the ‘Other ordering options’ section.
Enter the title, author and the page numbers you require and confirm the order by clicking ‘Send order’.

Can I order an entire book/magazine for digitisation?

No. For copyright reasons, a maximum of 75% of a document may be scanned.

What are the costs of a digitisation order and how long does delivery take?

There is a charge of CHF 5.00 per 50 pages. You can find more information here.

Infrastructure and workstations

Where can I find study spaces and workstations?

The Zentralbibliothek Zürich offers around 600 public, modern workstations in the centre of Zurich. Further information can be found under workstations & group rooms.

How can I use the internet at the ZB Zürich?

Is the Zentralbibliothek Zürich accessible for wheelchairs or pushchairs?

Information about accessibility can be found here.

Can I take bags and coats into the reading room?

Coats and bags can be taken into reading rooms P0 – P3. Please deposit larger suitcases in the free lockers in P-1. Note that separate rules apply to the special collections.

Can I copy, scan and print at the ZB Zürich?

Multifunctional devices for copying and scanning are available on all floors and at various ZB locations. You need a copy card to use our devices. University of Zurich members can use their UZH Card for printing. All other users need to obtain a new copy card once. You can use these in the ZB Zürich and in the University of Zurich library.

Research / electronic media

What databases, e-books and e-journals are available at the Zentralbibliothek Zürich?

If you are not studying at the University of Zurich, you can normally only use our licensed products within the ZB Zürich and the University of Zurich.  An overview of all our licensed products can be found here.

You can access some items from home using your PURA/SLSKey login. An overview of the products available with PURA/SLSKey can be found here.

How can I find electronic books (e-books)?

Our e-books are catalogued in swisscovery. They can also be found via the platforms of the e-book publishers. The rules for accessing full-text versions are the same as for databases and e-journals: full-text versions can be accessed from the workstations in our reading room, but only members of the University of Zurich can access them from home.

How can I use electronic books or journals (e-books and e-journals)?

Most electronic media are not freely available via the internet and therefore cannot be opened outside the library. E-books and electronic journal articles can be read, printed out and downloaded to your own USB stick at the Zentralbibliothek’s public workstations. This applies to media where the Zentralbibliothek is listed as the location (UZH-ZB Online). For example, where the location is given as ‘ETH-Bibliothek Online,’ you can only access the document from the ETH.

I cannot open an e-book, an e-journal or a database. What should I do?

If you are not studying at the University of Zurich, you can normally only use our licensed products within the ZB Zürich and the University of Zurich. You can access some items from home using your PURA/SLSKey login.

If you are studying at the University of Zurich, you will have a UniAccess account. This will allow you to download the VPN software or configure the proxy server or EZProxy. With a VPN client, proxy server or EZProxy you have external access to the licensed products (specialist databases, electronic journals and books) of the University of Zurich and the Zentralbibliothek Zürich.

Information and installation instructions for VPN, proxy and EZProxy on PCs, notebooks and mobile phones can be found on the University of Zurich IT Services website.

What is the difference between searching with CDI and without CDI?

swisscovery (without CDI)

This search space contains all data records in the SLSP network. The SLSP network comprises more than 470 academic libraries in Switzerland. In this search space you will find everything that is purchased, licensed and catalogued by the participating libraries. This search space is preset by default in both the simple and the advanced search.

swisscovery (with CDI)

This search space contains all data records in the SLSP network as well as the data of the Central Discovery Index (CDI). The CDI is an interdisciplinary directory and includes a growing number of external sources. Searching in this search space generates large numbers of hits, as both licensed and freely accessible databases and platforms are included. Articles, book chapters, studies and reviews are also found. This search space must be actively selected.

swisscovery plus (new from 14/11/2022)

This search space contains all data records in the swisscovery search space (with CDI) as well as the data from the Renouvaud catalogue (Réseau des bibliothèques vaudoises). This search space must be actively selected.

University Library Zurich and Zentralbibliothek Zürich (without CDI)

This search space comprises a subset of the swisscovery search space (without CDI). It includes documents and media purchased, licensed and catalogued by the University Library Zurich and Zentralbibliothek Zürich. This search space must be actively selected.

University Library Zurich and Zentralbibliothek Zürich (with CDI)

This search space comprises a subset of the swisscovery search space (with CDI). It includes data records from the University Library Zurich and Zentralbibliothek Zürich as well as data from the Central Discovery Index (CDI). The CDI is an interdisciplinary directory that includes a growing number of external sources. Searching in this search space generates large numbers of hits, as it includes databases and platforms licensed by the University Library Zurich and Zentralbibliothek Zürich as well as those that are freely accessible. Articles, book chapters, studies and reviews are also found. This search space must be actively selected.