Annual reports

Insta novels

Young people are reading fewer books and spending more time on social media. During lockdown, when it was difficult for the Zentralbibliothek to make its books available to the public, we came up with an idea: why not take literature to where young people spend their time every day? Instagram, for instance? For more information and instructions for our Insta novels, go here.

Ricarda Huch: Der Letzte Sommer

This epistolary novel tells of the fate of a governor’s family in pre-Revolutionary Russia. Yegor van Rasimkara closes universities and condemns rebellious students to death. After receiving death threats himself, he takes his family away to the countryside to spend the summer in safety. While he believes the student Lju is protecting him, in reality Lju is involved in a plot to assassinate Yegor Rasimkara.

The German writer, philosopher and historian Ricarda Huch has a very particular relationship with the Zentralbibliothek Zürich, having worked for a time in what was then the city library.

Franz Hohler: Die Rückeroberung

“One day, as I was sitting at my writing desk looking out of the window, I saw that an eagle had landed on the TV aerial of the house opposite. I should mention that I live in Zurich...”

Die Rückeroberung – the reconquest – started last autumn. The short story by Zurich writer Franz Hohler is a vivid illustration of what happens when nature regains control of the city.


  • Der bibliophile Reformator – Rudolf Gwalthers Privatbibliothek, Bibliotheca Bibliographica Aureliana 255
    Urs Leu and Sandra Weidmann, Baden-Baden 2020. ISBN 978-3-87320-755-4 
  • Gottfried Kellers feuriger Freund. Johann Ulrich Müller – Romanfigur, Baumeister und Kartograf der USA
    Monica Seidler-Hux, Zurich 2020. ISBN 978-3-03919-522-0 .
  • Kosmos in der Kammer – Eine Ausstellung in der Schatzkammer der Zentralbibliothek Zürich, 23. August bis 7. Dezember 2019 (Begleitpublikation)
    Jost Schmid, Ylva Gasser, René Schurte (eds), Murten 2019. ISSN 1422-3392.
  • Der St. Galler Globus – Ein kosmographisches Modell des Tilemann Stella
    Jost A. Schmid-Lanter, Basel/St. Gallen 2019. ISBN 978-3-7965-4066-0 (Schwabe Verlag) / ISBN 978-3-905906-37-0 (Verlag am Klosterhof)
  • Jeder Mensch ist bildnerisch begabt – Johannes Itten und die Kunst
    Christoph Wagner, Begleitpublikation zur Ausstellung. Zurich 2018. ISBN 978-3-299-00038-8
  • Buchdruck und Reformation in der Schweiz
    Anlässlich des Reformationsjahres herausgegebener Sammelband von Urs Leu und Christian Scheidegger. Zurich 2018, ISBN 978-3-290-18218-2
  • Bibliotheken der Schweiz: Innovation durch Kooperation
    Festschrift für Susanna Bliggenstorfer anlässlich ihres Rücktrittes als Direktorin der Zentralbibliothek Zürich. Edited by Alice Keller and Susanne Uhl. Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-11-055182-2, 978-3-11-055379-6 (ePub), 978-3-11-055187-7 (PDF)
  • Wissen im Zentrum
    100 Jahre Zentralbibliothek Zürich. Adrian Knoepfli, Mario König, Verena Rothenbühler, Rea Brändle, Markus Brühlmeier, Zurich 2017. ISBN 978-3-0340-1376-5.
  • Hundert Zürcher Ansichten
    Bruno Weber, Zurich 2017. ISBN 978-3-85881-540-8
  • Glanzlichter
    Meisterwerke aus der Graphischen Sammlung und dem Fotoarchiv der Zentralbibliothek Zürich. Zurich 1915. ISBN 978-3-85881-491-3
  • Spur im Treibsand. Oskar Kokoschka neu gesehen. Briefe und Bilder.
    Begleitpublikation zur Ausstellung. Regine Bonnefoit, Ruth Häusler (eds): Petersberg 2010. ISBN 978-3-86568-524-7

The Zurich Bibliography – documenting the best of Zurich

The Bibliography lists publications with content relating to the history and culture of the city and canton of Zurich, with a particular focus on localities and individuals. It was published as part of the pocket book of Zurich from 1878 to 2004 and as a standalone annual publication from 2005 to 2011. Today it consists of an online catalogue containing the entire Zurich Bibliography, which is regularly updated. It is curated by Roberto Alliegro, Deputy Head of the Turicensia Department.


  • “Music from the Zentralbibliothek Zürich” (CD series)
    The following CD in the “Music from the Zentralbibliothek Zürich” series was produced with financial support from the Czesław Marek Foundation: Piano trios by Hermann Goetz, Hans Huber (New Year publication of the Zentralbibliothek Zürich 2020). Solo Musica SM 336.
  • New Year publication of the Zentralbibliothek Zürich 2019
    The following music score was printed with financial support from the Czesław Marek Foundation: Auf die Dedicass des Neüwerbauhten Musicsahls so soleniter Abgesungen und gespielt worden den [9. November] 1717 (Zur Eröffnung des neuen Konzertsaals am Fraumünster 1717), by Johann Ludwig. Music score. Zurich, Schmid & Genewein 2019. ISMN 979-0-700377-08-3.
    The full set of parts is available as a download.
  • “Music from the Zentralbibliothek Zürich” (CD series)
    The following CD in the “Music from the Zentralbibliothek Zürich” series was produced with financial support from the Czesław Marek Foundation: Funiculus Triplex, galant-charmante Musik für Kammer und Kirche, von Franz Xaver Hassl, Johann Friedrich Agricola, Johann Ludwig Steiner (New Year publication of the Zentralbibliothek Zürich 2018). Guild GMCD 7806


More Than a Library

Zentralbibliothek Zürich anniversary film by Anka Schmid, 2017


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