Social sciences, psychology, education
Sociology, political science, ethnology, mass communication and cultural/gender studies, psychology and education are all extensively covered by the Zentralbibliothek Zürich.
The ZB focuses in particular on the social sciences. We offer you access to literature, both printed and electronic, on all areas of the social sciences as well as general social science theories and research methods. In addition to printed and digital publications, you can also access a wide range of electronic databases. We even hold a selection of titles on sport and gastronomy.
From social origin and critical theory to social change, and from expert interviews to network analysis: at the Zentralbibliothek Zürich you will find literature on every topic, theory and method related to sociology and the social sciences.
Literature for study and research
As a university library, the Zentralbibliothek Zürich collects a comprehensive range of literature on sociology and the social sciences, with a particular focus on study and research literature in German and English. In addition to specialist publications on sociology we also carry a selection of publications on social work, social policy and criminology.
We provide access to a wide selection of electronic databases such as SocIndex with Full Text and Web of Science as well as a broad range of e-books and e-journals.
- Databases and electronic resources
- Individual advice
- Acquisition request
- Subject-Specific Support Sociology of the UZH University Library
We are happy to assist you with your search for literature and provide expert information. If you have any questions relating to sociology, contact:
Psychology, psychiatry
From the earliest days to the latest research findings, the Zentralbibliothek Zürich offers a broad and comprehensive selection of literature on psychology and psychiatry.
Literature for study and research
We collect the fullest possible range of specialist literature on psychology and psychiatry. As well as covering the main university research fields, our holdings extend to other areas of psychology, principally study and research literature in German and English and a selection of guides.
We provide access to a broad selection of electronic databases including PsycINFO, Psyndex and Web of Science as well as relevant e-books and e-journals.
- Databases and electronic resources
- Individual advice
- Acquisition request
- Subject-Specific Support Psychology of the UZH University Library
We are happy to assist you with your search for literature and provide expert information. If you have any questions relating to psychology and psychiatry, contact:
At the Zentralbibliothek Zürich you’ll find current and historical research literature covering the entire field of educational science.
Literature for study and research
We focus on all areas of educational science, with literature on everything from educational and learning theory, schools and teaching to special education. As regards historical and contemporary educational research, our main emphasis is on Switzerland and Germany.
In this area we offer access to the relevant e-books and e-journals as well as the most important databases. For more databases, see the resources in our psychology section.
- Databases and electronic resources
- Individual advice
- Acquisition request
- Subject-Specific Support Educational Science of the UZH University Library
We are happy to assist you with your search for literature and provide expert information. If you have any questions relating to educational science, contact:
Political science
The Zentralbibliothek holds a large and wide-ranging collection of literature on political science.
Literature for study and research
We collect literature on all areas of political science, notably domestic and foreign policy and political philosophy with a geographical focus on Europe and North America. We aim to acquire the most complete possible collection on Swiss politics.
At the Zentralbibliothek you can access a range of electronic databases on political science, such as Political Science Complete, as well as a large number of key e-books and e-journals.
- Databases and electronic resources
- Individual advice
- Acquisition request
- Subject-Specific Support Political Science of the UZH University Library
We are happy to assist you with your search for literature and provide expert information. If you have any questions relating to political and military science, contact:
Military science
Die Zentralbibliothek sammelt punktuell Literatur zur Militärwissenschaft.
Literatur für Forschende und Interessierte
Wir sammeln schwerpunktmässig Darstellungen aktueller Kriege unter militärischen und strategischen Aspekten sowie zu Methoden moderner Kriegsführung. Unsere Sammlung umfasst Forschungsliteratur sowie Literatur für ein allgemein interessiertes Publikum.
Sie finden in unserem Katalog eine Auswahl an Print- und E-Ressourcen zur Militärwissenschaft.
Weiterführende Links
Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Literatursuche und geben gerne fachliche Auskunft. Sie haben eine Frage? Kontaktieren Sie für Militärwissenschaft
Media and communication science
Looking for literature on digital media, reporting in various media, media usage or journalism? The Zentralbibliothek Zürich offers an extensive range of resources, both print and online.
Literature for study and research
The Zentralbibliothek Zürich offers a comprehensive range of specialist literature on media and communication science. We particularly acquire study and research literature in German and English.
We provide access to a large selection of electronic databases, including Communication & Mass Media Complete and Web of Science – not forgetting our wide range of e-books and e-journals.
- Databases and electronic resources
- Individual advice
- Acquisition request
- Subject-Specific Support Communication and Media Studies of the UZH University Library
We are happy to assist you with your search for literature and provide expert information. If you have any questions relating to media and communication science, contact:
Ethnology and popular cultures
Covering everything from foreign cultures to our own everyday culture, the Zentralbibliothek Zürich collects literature on every conceivable facet of ethnology and popular cultures.
Literature for study and research
What do wolf fairy tales, coffins and the eating habits of the Mapuche have in common? Our ethnology and popular cultures sections deal with them all. The ZB’s geographical focus is on Asia, North and South America and Europe, while thematically the emphasis is on indigenous peoples, everyday activities such as work, home life, eating and reading, as well as material objects such as mobile phones.
- Databases and electronic resources
- Links on this area
- Individual advice
- Acquisition request
- Subject-Specific Support Ethnology of the UZH University Library
- Subject-Specific Support Popular Culture of the UZH University Library
We are happy to assist you with your search for literature and provide expert information. If you have any questions relating to ethnology and popular cultures, contact:
Gender studies / cultural studies
The Zentralbibliothek Zürich offers a comprehensive range of literature on gender and cultural studies.
Literature for study and research
We collect specialist literature on a range of disciplines within gender and cultural studies, with a particular focus on study and research literature in German and English.
- Databases and electronic resources
- Individual advice
- Acquisition request
- Subject-Specific Support Gender Studies of the UZH University Library
We are happy to assist you with your search for literature and provide expert information. If you have any questions relating to gender and cultural studies, contact:
Sports, games, alpinism
Looking for publications on leisure sports and their links to other disciplines such as educational science, ethnology and history? Sports fans will find a wide range of literature at the Zentralbibliothek Zürich.
Specialist holdings
Whether you are looking for the most beautiful walks to do with children or information about Swiss football, we focus on publications with interdisciplinary links to sports, games and hobbies in areas such as educational science, ethnology and history. We offer both comprehensive overviews and works on individual disciplines.
And if it is alpinist literature you’re looking for, we have that too. For more details, see the SAC Library.
We are happy to assist you with your search for literature and provide expert information. If you have any questions relating to sports, games and alpinism, contact:
Home economics, gastronomy
Cooking or gastronomy, housekeeping or home economics – whatever you call them, these topics are extensively covered at the Zentralbibliothek.
A cook’s tour
The collection focuses on home economics and gastronomy. On the shelves of our library you will find cookery books containing everyday recipes, with a particular emphasis on international cuisine. They are a fascinating resource – not just for recipes but also for background into different countries’ food cultures.
We are happy to assist you with your search for literature and provide expert information. If you have any questions relating to home economics and gastronomy, contact: