Engaging Researchers with Collections as Data at the KB. Or How I learned to Love Pyramids

Wednesday, 11. September 2024
18:15 - 19:30 o'clock
Veranstaltungsreihe «Aus der digitalen Werkstatt»
Abendvortrag von Dr. Steven Claeyssens (KB, National Library of the Netherlands) im Rahmen der Summer School «Digitale Methoden der Zeitungsanalyse»
In 2012, the KB, the National Library of the Netherlands, launched a service to provide access to its ever-expanding collections of digitised publications for text and data mining. Known as Data Services, this initiative has successfully opened up the KB’s digital collections for a variety of large research projects and numerous individual researchers in the Netherlands and beyond. Coupled with the KB Lab, which was launched in 2014, Data Services even served as one of the inspirations for the Collections as Data movement.
In his keynote, Steven Claeyssens will reflect on the KB’s experiences, dilemmas, lessons learned, and future plans regarding its collections as data. He will pay particular attention to the needs of computational and digital humanists and the new era of AI.
Dr. Steven Claeyssens is Curator of Digital Collections at the KB, the national library of the Netherlands, the first Data Services Coordinator at the KB and founding member of the KB’s Digital Scholarship Team (lab.kb.nl). He serves as chair for the Europeana Research Community Steering Group. He holds an MA in Philology from Ghent University and a PhD in Book History from Leiden University. His current research interests focus on the intersection of digital publishing, digital scholarship and collections as data.
Link zum Livestream über Zoom: https://t.zbzuerich.ch/685
Sprache: Englisch
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